♥ Sarah Of Sweden

Inlägg publicerade under kategorin Justin Bieber

Av Sassi ♥ - 29 juni 2011 16:36

Hejhej! Kom hem för typ nån timme sen..Och snart ska jag kanske t stranden för de e så sjukt varmt, ehm tror inte det blir så bra bloggning idag men kanske något inlägg kommer väl?
Ogaaafj3r4uvuehngpn6vxkirl8dwlfzjhqfmjq0czbe6udkot<br />a_i2r_etx23zy6vhp0gmjd0k1_ll7kh75fq56u9gyam1t1umewe_tkojdsk0hj8rv9cuwshqtu_large
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Vackrast på hela universum!:')

Av Sassi ♥ - 24 juni 2011 16:18









Av Sassi ♥ - 24 juni 2011 16:12

Sitter just nu hos emma! Kolla vah jag gjorde !

   Vad tycker ni om den? 


Aa men iaf, vi sitter typ och gör ingen alls! Men ja! Hejdå bitchhess hihi


Av Sassi ♥ - 18 juni 2011 21:20

ingen bra bloggning idag då..De kom en kille som skulle fixa min data och min systers, han fixade bara min systers..Det var ju lite synd för att de gick inte och fixa min:( Men nu kan jag blogga som vanligt!:D
Idag har jag inte gjort så mycket faktiskt..Suttit hemma, kollat tv..Och till alla er som har mitt nummer, Jag kan inte svara på sms, Det e för att mina pengar e slut och min mobil e fuckad:( Menmen, snart får man sin iphone snart hoppas jag!  Och förmodligen kommer den se ut såhär!



Denna var sååå söööt!!
Ja, typ så..Nån av dom, ska se om man kan fixa de :D
Men iaf, Just nu gör jag inget, bara surar! skoja bara! Ne men det har hänt en sak bara! Men whatever!
Tycker ni ska lyssna på den här låten!

Så sjukt bra!

Av Sassi ♥ - 16 juni 2011 16:05

Kunde inte hålla mig, var bara tvungen att ta pappas data!!
Idag har jag verkligen inget och göra! BORING! Ska se om jag kan sticka ut med emma idag:D
Men annars gör jag ingentting, kollar lite mobiler och data till mig haha^^ Jag behöver verkligen..Isf om de finns såna tävlingar så e jag fan med på de! Tänk så vinner jag? Vem vet? Men iaf..Jag har tråkigt!
Titta iaf va jag hittade för snygga bilder:D
Asso han har fan förendrats! Kolla innan hade han inte örhänge men nu? :o Va har hänt?! Säkert selena som har gjort honom så!:@
Så gör dom alltid innan justin börjar en konsert<333
Jaja de var de! Har inte mer och säga ..

Av Sassi ♥ - 13 juni 2011 19:04

Varit en bra dag! Men har nt mkt och säga om den, vi slutade typ 11 och vi kollade film i skolan och sånt, sen stack jag hem t Jonna med emma och vi kollade film! Den var såå fiiiin men jobbigt faktiskt eftersom det var en massa problem, ni borde verkliiiigen se den!!! Valentines day tror jag den heter! :D KOLLLAA!!!
Iaf sen stack jag hem och gjorde inget,läste nyss en novell om jb! Och gissa sen vad jag hittade för dåliga nyheter!! OMMMMFFFBBB, Koollllaa här nere!---->

Selena Gomez fördes till sjukhus i förrgår natt efter ett framträdande i det amerikanska TV-programmet "The tonight show". Den 18-åriga sångerskan led av illamående och huvudvärk samt yrsel. Hon fördes till ett sjukhus i Los Angels och genomgick prover.
Nu rycktas det om att Selena Gomez är gravid och att fadern är Justin Bieber. Ryckterna kopplas i hop med dom heta bilderna på paret när dom var på sin semster i Hawaii.
Läs mer på: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2002229/Selena-Gomez-hospital-appearance-The-Tonight-Show.html#ixzz1P5TJSBZn


Asså jag mår så dåligt när jag ser dessa bilder, jag vet inte riktigt varför men de e klart jag blir svartsjuk haha! Men om Justin e glad med selena så e jag också skit glad! Men jag hoppas verkligen att Selena inte e gravid med Justin!! Då kommer jag döö!! Och rykten..Ja det brukar inte vara sant så lixom varför ska detta vara sant? Lixom, Justin har själv sagt att han inte kommer ha S*x förrens han gifter sig och hittar den rätta! Alltså jag känner på mig att Selena vill såra han eller något så han mår dåligt..Jag bara känner de men jag svär om hon gör de..Ouuff Proooobbleeem..STORA problem för henne!, Asså jag e skitglad för att hon gör Justin glad men jag bara säger de..
Jaja vet in´te vad jag ska skriva mer så..

Av Sassi ♥ - 11 juni 2011 22:01


Av Sassi ♥ - 11 juni 2011 15:41

(Before you reading this!)

What I’m writing here is true and I’m writing it with all my heart. And I don’t want to anybody complain about what I’m writing. And don’t want any bad opinion please! Cuz I always get that, and it’s kind hurt me so don’t do it!

In May 2010 Justin would come to Sweden, and It wasn’t even a rumor. It was like 100%. It was on the paper, spotify and all over the internet. And like sometimes I talked to poser on msn who pretend to be Justin and even they said that “I would come in May” And they are poser and know what! So it was true!

But one day I got a mail from Universal Music, who said that “Justin wouldn’t come to Sweden and that he didn’t have time maybe he would come in this fall”. That kind of let me down, it really did. I was so excited for everything I planned so many things. Like don’t have time for your fans? 

Ok, sure so this was the first time he let me down, but I’m sure he let his other Swedish fans to. 
Next time it was when he did a shootout to us that he would come(http://twitpic.com/46f5pn). I cried when I read the tweet, I was so happy and finally believed that he would come. But the time flew away………And now My World is already over and did he come to Sweden?! No, and that let me down once again. He came to Denmark instead I think and I heard that it was so many Swedish Beliebers who was there. And if you think I could go to another country to just to just to se him, but don’t you think if would coast much money? To the trip, to the concert and to the hotel? I could never have afforded with that. I wouldn’t have afford it when he even come to Sweden, I was saving money for like 1 year and when I knew he wouldn’t come, I bought clothes with the money. But the next if he really comes, I might sell my bike, or something else to make money on.

Let’s get it to the next time, and I think when it was when Sweden did the meeting on 7th may 2011. I lied to my mum just to go there, if she knew I had to go to that town just for Justin. She would kill me. But I said it was a school thing. It was the first time I ever lied about a thing like that to my parents. I had a bad confidence but I do everything just to make Justin come. So after the belieber meeting, Justin RTed a tweet about the video (http://twitpic.com/5021xh). But he never said something about it, I was still cool with that. 

And some days later he saw Denmark’s parade. He tweeted about it and said so many good things (http://twitpic.com/5024ll). That hurt us so much. He should say something about the video, anything like thank you or just the link with the video it could still put a some on our faces. 

I cried for that and I taught I was the only one, but when I saw on Facebook everyone was writing about that, I realized I wasn’t the only one who cried. It was so many other beliebers who cried about that even my friends. I didn’t expect that. 

And some minutes later after Justin writing that tweet. I was so upset and angry. I write to Justin on twitter that he has hurt me. I write like 5 tweets I think, about that and after that I wanted to DM him. Because he was following me and I tried too DM him many times but it didn’t work. Then I realized that he was unfollowing me. Then I started to cry again. Like why should he unfollow me? I think it was just because I said he have hurt me. But why unfollow for a something like that? He could just DM me and tells me “why he has hurt me” or just something who maked him unfollow me. It was so immature of Justin to do that, I still don’t know why he unfollowed me but I think it was just because of that. 

So I want talk about the Belieber meeting. It was like over 400 beliebers who was there and it was some few haters to. And they throw so many things to us like, Condoms with water in, Cucumber, Coke, eggs, water, and bottle like everything they could find. But we beliebers didn’t care as much, we still was there and supported. But sometimes we run after the haters like 300 beliebers over like 5 haters, I heard that they spit on them and hit them. My friend told me that she hit a man on the face. Haha I couldn’t stop laugh. But what wouldn’t you do for the biebs? But lucky it was so many police who was there. I think they arrested 6 people. It was what I heard. But I filmed once when they took 1 and I have also put it on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXF1fGvmgsA&feature=channel_video_title
And here is the video when they threw condoms, it was the only video I got shoot:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htNJLIGuvhA&feature=relmfu

So have find parts of when haters messing with the beliebers and its her:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fl77fVTVfvg

And this is the official video of the meeting: 

It got be a reason who make Justin to not come to Sweden, it is just something who make me believe that. If it is the fans, the country, the haters? I don’t know….but it is something that I want to find it out, I can’t…..

I know how much Justin loves his fans and how much he does for them. And I love him so much for that, but I still think that he doesn’t appreciate us as the other fans. I swear we doing so much for him, I see it by myself. I most of it, see It on Facebook. They trying so much, I see it and they try so much to make a TT on twitter, like #JDBtoSwe, KidrauhlToSweden,# BieberToSweden, like many of them it was just a example of the names. But we never get it to TT. I always tell people on twitter to trend it one of these things, but they never do. But I still try tweet it as how much as I can. 

Justin knows what we have done for him like we have done so many flash mob and he once tweeted about that (http://twitter.com/#!/justinbieber/status/17745514446) So he knows about the meeting and the flash mobs and he probably knows about the fan videos. But it still doesn’t like that he appreciate us as much.

I don’t want any of people be mean to me now, I just write what I wanted. It’s not that I’m not a real belieber or would hate Justin for that. I would always love him as how much I do now, it is in my blood <3. I just write this cuz I always wanted to write that it was something in my heart I want to let it out, I don’t mean anything with that. It is what it is, and it isn’t something you can do about it. He would come when the time is here. And you might think it is Scooter who determine that but Scooter once said that Justin would come. Like it was some Swedish girl who asked Scooter if Justin would come and he said “Yes”. And even Justin’s mum once replied a Swedish fan, she said like “I want to come to Sweden to” like something like that. 

And I want to say this to, when it was last year, 2010. They said that he would next year and now it is next year. I have been waiting 1 year and 2 month now. This summer I don’t think it could be a chance that he would come, and after summer he would go to South America. I don’t think that he would come…but let say #NEVERSAYNEVER!!!

Justin if you read this don’t take it so much, I just want you to come. And I love you <3
Much love from the Swedish Beliebers!!

PS. And something else, Be thankful that justin have visit you country! Don't tweet that you want him back to your country, Swedish girls and boys want to meet him now!! and this is not fair...justin have been to spain, france, germany, UK, Japan like each country might 3 times and more...Thats not fair!

En svenska belieber har skrivit detta. Jag tycker hon har 100% rätt. Justin retweetra bara våran video. Några dagar efter tweetra han om danmarks parad (som dom hade samma dag som oss). Han skrev INTE ett j'vla skit om våran parad! Och han har redan varit i danmark.. Hur tror du vi känner oss då? DISSADE!

Den här tweeten skrev han 2010... Har de hänt nåt sen dess? Nej, och my world tour 2011 är redan över...


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